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Dialysis - Hemodialysis

What is hemodialysis?​

This refers to all of the blood purification techniques intended to “supplement” oreven to replace the kidneys in the case of significant dysfunction, using a machine that can carry out such purification “outside”the body.

The blood is taken (via a catheter) to circulate in an “artificial kidney” or dialysis machine, within which toxins that have built up in the body and that should have been eliminated by the kidneys are absorbed. The “purified” blood returns into the animal’s blood via the same catheter; the total volume of blood is therefore filtered several times during each dialysis session.

When is a hemodialysis carried out ?​

The main indication for hemodialysis treatment is acute renal insufficiency in dogs: it is a group of illnesses due to which the kidneys have been damaged, often temporarily, and this initial trauma which lasts for a period of varying length may cause the sudden appearance of major symptoms (fatigue, vomiting, sometimes anuria). Despite this very noticeable clinical presentation, the kidneys often have strong potential for recuperation as soon as the “cause” of the renal inadequacy has been identified and treated and the patient is given the time to recuperate.

Illnesses responsible for acute renal insufficiency in dogs may be:

  • Some infectious illnesses, in particular leptospirosis, renal forms of which are very frequently observed (vaccination does not always provide protection against this)
  • Some intoxications, particularly from plants (grapes, lilies...) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Numerous systemic illnesses (pancreatic illnesses, complex diabetes) as a result of which circulatory insufficiency (loss of blood pressure) causes the kidneys to “cease” functioning


Indications for dialysis are:


  • Very high creatinine values (the norm specified varies from 60 to 100 mg/L depending on the authors)
  • Values that are lower but which are associated with noticeable symptoms
  • An animal only producing a little urine or even none at all. In this case, administering dialysis is urgent to preserve life


What happens during the treatment?​


Kidney recuperation will take between several days and several weeks. If only one “conventional” treatment is implemented (notably via infusion), numerous complications may appear (digestive, neurological, cardiac lesions etc...) which will slow down recuperation and reduce the quality of life of your animal. For an optimal treatment, the sessions must be repeated on average every two to three days (sometimes more) in order to maintain an acceptable quality of life.


Only a limited number of organisations are able to carry out hemodialysis in Europe, as the equipment required is costly and use is relatively complex.


Our centre is able to carry out such a treatment if your dog’s condition requires it.


Are there risks involved with this treatment?​


This is a painless technique which does, however, require attentive monitoring of the animal’s behaviour and its vital signs. Hemodialysis, by “replacing” the kidneys on a temporary basis, can improve the clinical condition of the animal by limiting the damage associated with these toxins.

chien en cours de dialyse à oncovet
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  • Mon
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tue
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Wed
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Thu
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Fri
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Sat
  • Sun

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Avenue Paul Langevin 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq FRANCE
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