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Internal medicine

What is internal medicine?

Internal medicine includes the whole diagnostic process and therapeutic follow-up of major organic diseases, endocrinology, uro-nephrology, gastroenterology, pneumology, infectious and autoimmune diseases, hematology...

Internal medicine works in collaboration with all of the services offered by the clinic (oncology, cardiology, surgery, medical imaging) in order to create a plan adapted to your animal’s condition.

Oncovet is also one of the very rare canine dialysis centres in France. We offer blood purification techniques to supplement or if necessary to replace the kidneys in the case of significant dysfunction, using a machine that can carry out purification outside the body.

The clinic also offers a geriatric assessment service in order to allow your animal to grow old in good health.

Iodine therapy, one of our specialisms, is for animals with hyperthyroidism. It is an illness that is very frequently diagnosed in ageing cats. Around 10% of cats will be affected by this illness.

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🐾 Canine and feline geriatrics


Improvements in the care of dogs and cats, in their nutrition and in the prevention of illnesses by means of vaccination has meant an increase in life expectancy for our pets. A dog or a cat which is protected, vaccinated and loved by its owners will live much longer now than it would have 30 years ago.


This increase in life expectancy is associated with a increased risk of the appearance of “new” illnesses, which are often chronic and are more insidious in their appearance, but which will eventually influence its life expectancy or its quality of life:


  • Arthrosis will affect the majority of animals and reduce their quality of life
  • Ageing of the kidneys will not be immediately perceptible but will sometimes suddenly get worse
  • Heart conditions will affect more than half of small dogs and a growing proportion of cats and large dogs.
  • Today, cancer has become one of the main causes of death in dogs and cats, in the same way as in human beings, and age is one of the most significant risk factors when determining whether or not cancer will develop. These lesions may be visible (cutaneous mass) or invisible (abdominal or pulmonary mass).
  • The risk of observing two (or even more) conditions in the same animal will therefore grow exponentially as it ages.


In order to help your animal grow old in good health, the clinic also offers a “geriatric assessment service” for your pet.


What are the advantages of carrying out a geriatric assessment on dogs and cats?​

  • Early detection of illnesses linked to age
  • Starting appropriate treatment from the onset of the illness
  • Evaluating the risks linked to the treatment of the animal (is it strong enough for an anaesthetic? Can the different treatments for the animal be combined without any risk?)
  • Evaluate the severity of the different illnesses based on the prognosis.

Which examinations will be carried out as part of the test?

  • Clinical examination
  • Chest X-ray
  • Cardiac ultrasound
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Blood test
  • Punctures and cytology exams for any mass that has been highlighted

What will happen if an anomaly is detected?​

If an anomaly is detected during these examinations, Oncovet will inform the vet treating your animal who will take over the administration of the care.

🔎 Exploration of the unexplained clinical signs in dogs and cats

The exploration of the more significant syndromes in internal medicine often constitutes a long and complex process, requiring significant investment (time, knowledge and complementary examinations).

Internal medicine involves linking clinical signs which are sometimes varied or discrete to diagnostic hypotheses, which must be confirmed or refuted before proposing a treatment. The main syndromes for dogs and cats are:

  • Chronic or recurrent hyperthermia
  • Weight loss of undetermined origin
  • A cough, polyuria-polydipsia, jaundice, peritoneal or pleural effusions
  • Evidence of an increase in liver enzymes, or of cholesterol levels with no obvious cause
  • Cutaneous or ocular conditions associated with systemic signs
  • Changes in blood count: anaemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia...
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Practice information


  • Mon
    8:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tue
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Wed
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Thu
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Fri
    8.00am - 7:00pm
  • Sat
  • Sun

Find us here:

Avenue Paul Langevin 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq FRANCE
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